SenseMaker Intake Form

The purpose of this project is to establish your personal online ongoing healing journal with which you will be able to track your progress, identify systemic problems and deliver solutions to improve victim mental health and wellness. This is the intake form that will unlock your journey to start the online journal.

SenseMaker Online Healing Journal

Below, you can share an experience from your everyday life which may or may not have anything directly to do with the event. Our hope is that we can build and share data on our collective life experiences and use it on a personal healing journey while advocating for systemic change.

SenseMaker Guidance


SenseMaker is a tool that captures everyday stories and experiences.  There are a few options for how you use the tool.  The app is available in Apple or Android stores, the link works on a laptop or desktop computer, and you can either write your experience or record yourself telling the story.  (You can only record if you are using the app on a mobile device – the audio link won’t work on a laptop or desktop computer.)

Desktop or Laptop

Can write your story or experience using the link.

Written Version Link: WrittenSenseMakerSOMS

No Audio capability

QR Code for Written Version

Mobile Device: Phone or Tablet

Can write or record your story or experience.  The audio and written versions are different tools requiring separate downloads on the app.

Written Version Link (If you already have the app, the link will open your app): WrittenSenseMakerSOMS

Audio Version Link: (App only) AudioSenseMakerSOMS 

QR Code for Audio Version

On the app, you can use a code to download the framework.  Select “Get Frameworks”.  

Framework Code on App for Written Version: SOMS

Framework Code on App for Audio Version: ecstatic_raman_ctytnk

App Download Instructions

To download and open the app:

1. Open the App Store on your phone.  (Android or Apple/ios)

2. Type SenseMaker into the search bar.

3. Install the SenseMaker app (see image below):

4. After you have downloaded the framework,  select “Create Capture” followed by “Make a new entry” and tell your story.

Please note: To enter additional stories in the future, select the name of the framework (ex. Glades Life or Glades Life Audio) followed by “Create Capture” and “Make a new entry”. Each framework only needs to be downloaded with its respective code once.

Story Tips

It’s not always easy to get started, so here are some tips that will hopefully help. 

1. Sensemaker is about capturing experiences – not opinions.     

2. You don’t need to censor yourself.  We’re interested in what’s real, not what’s “appropriate,” “right” or “wrong”.  We are not the grammar police!

3. If you can collect stories from different people with a connection to you and your experiences, please do so.  Other relatives, spouses or friends that are following your journey have valuable contributions and perspectives. 

4. If you are more comfortable using a language other than English in this tool, feel free to do so and just let us know what language you are using.  If there is demand for a translated tool, we can accommodate.

How Triangles Work (and Examples)

To answer a triangle question, place the marker anywhere within the triangle that represents how closely you lean towards the options listed at the three triangle points.

Here is an example:

1. If you love baseball, don’t care about basketball or football, you would move the ball to the baseball corner. 

2. If you like baseball and basketball and don’t care for football, you would probably move the ball in between baseball and basketball, as far away from football as possible. 

3. If you are a fan of all three sports or don’t have a strong preference, you will probably drop your marker close to the middle.

4. If the question does not apply to you – in this example, if you don’t care about or like sports – select N/A.


To answer a slider question, place the marker anywhere along the scale that best represents how closely you lean between the two response options.

Please refer to the example below:

Story Submission Instructions

At the end of the framework, press the Save button. You should be redirected to the home page of the app. If you see a blue banner across the top of your screen saying your response was uploaded, your response was successfully uploaded. If you do not see this blue banner, please follow the instructions below to ensure that your submission is received.

1. Select the framework that you just completed. You should be directed to the page shown below, where you will see your story awaiting upload.

2. Click the red arrow next to “Upload Manager”. You should be directed to the page shown below.

3. Once on this page, check the box next to your response under “Uploads Pending” and press the red Upload button at the bottom of the screen.

4. A blue banner should appear across the top of your screen saying your response was uploaded.

Want to Know More About SenseMaker®?

Click here to find out more details

Andrew McAusland, Director of Grants & Evaluation at Palm Health Foundation, West Palm Beach, FL

About Andrew McAusland, one of the developers of SenseMaker®

An accomplished senior director who emphasizes the importance of practicing and cultivating adaptive leadership in diverse environments. Skilled at leading coalitions, building and controlling effective funding plans top-down or bottom-up, and using data and context to evaluate program performance, drive change and allocate resources. A proven team player who can identify organizational strengths and challenges and navigate complex environments. Currently enamored of, and fluent in Cognitive Edge methods including SenseMaker software and the CYNEFIN decision-making framework. Indispensable tools for navigating complexity and allowing those we work with to make sense in spaces that don’t lend themselves to linear analysis. A facilitator using the approaches and methods of complex facilitation as practiced by Complexability and the ARIO Foundation in Australia. See our Sensemaking work at

Skilled in building relationships, Nonprofit Organizations, data management and analysis, Tableau, convening the right people for the right reasons, (a lost art in social services?) administration, project management, sensemaking, design thinking, and HHS federal funding sources and systems. (Child welfare, early learning, head start, substance abuse and mental health, maternal-child health amongst others.) Bachelor’s Degree focused in English Language and Literature, General from Trinity College-Hartford.

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