Watch The Real CSI:Miami
Detectives analyze the mysterious case of 21-year-old James Barry, who was murdered in a house full of his loved ones. The examination of the murder weapon and an intriguing development involving digital forensics reveal a startling motive.
Learn the tragic last hours of our Founder’s brother, James, the reason why SOMS was created.
Original Air Date: Jul 3, 2024
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A few of the things we do
We are diligently working to support you, the surviving sibling. We see you!
care packages
We send care packages to members who have an upcoming trial date — or just need some care. Our care packages include items you may need while often waiting for long periods of time in a courtroom.
restorative justice
We are in the process of training, and will be able to train others in the near future in this emerging and critical field. The chance to face the accused is a powerful component in healing…for some.
healing journal
We have partnered with the Palm Health Foundation to test their SenseMaker app in order to get a better understanding of how recording our feelings can help immeasurably in the grief process.
Latest news from our blog
A big part of what we do has to do with Restorative Justice. Please check back to read continuing in-depth articles about this new realm of healing during our journey.
Some of our Partners
Information on the Siblings of Murdered Siblings, Inc. website is protected under private copyright laws of the United States of America. Any photographs or personal member information has been collected and permission has been granted by the respective members. Any unauthorized usage will be subject to criminal prosecution.
SOMS is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Federal ID# 84-4493663.
SOMS is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Federal ID# 84-4493663.